I read this in my devotions this morning and it really spoke to me about some problems I'm having in my life right now. So I'd like to share it with all of you as well in hopes that it will be a blessing to you as it was for me.
"As busy as people are today, running and scurrying from place to place, it doesn't take long to realize that people, especially teens and younger adults, can have strong feelings of loneliness.
There is an assault on the 'nuclear home' today, whereas more children go to bed on any given night in America without having both of their birth parents in the house. Sometimes it is because of death, that enemy that stings and hurts so deeply. Another form of 'death' is divorce; and divorce rates are skyrocketing and, as a pastor who counsels, I know the toll and tragedy of these human-based dilemmas is often felt most by the children and teens that are tossed around like beach balls on the ocean.

May I remind you of something today? If you are or have been a victim of such hurt, there is still a God in Heaven Who loves you very much! He has promised in His Word that He will never leave you. He will never forsake you. Check Hebrews 13:5 and see for yourself! In the midst of your loneliness, the friendship and closeness of the Lord can become great loveliness. You are given the Holy Spirit of God, Who can help you make wise, godly choices so your future can be bright. The Lord Jesus is your best friend, and although you can't see Him visually, you can see Him clearly in the Scriptures, and you can be assured that He sees you, seeks you, and wants to help you in everything you do.
Go to Psalm 142 and read it, taking notice of verses 4 & 5. As God's child, you will someday GET IT ALL! The loneliness you feel can be replaced by the loveliness of meditating on Christ and feeding on His Word." ~ Read James 4:1-8
Author: David Hansen, Pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church, Roscommon, MI
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