Many of you who will read this I see once, twice, three times or more each week. Somehow I feel that I need to express myself in a way other than email or Facebook; a place where everyone can go to.
I can be outgoing and talk a lot; usually I'm just a shy, quiet 17 year old homeschooler who has a lot on my mind but find it difficult to talk things through with others. Whether or not going to a Christian/public school would have made me a different person than I am today I don't know. I do know that God made me special and unique, and He has a plan for my life - something far greater than I could ever do on my own! Lately I've been learning to lean on the Lord in everything I do. It's hard, and at times I want to just give up. Then a friend comes along and reminds me of God's unfailing love for me, and that encourages me to get back up on my feet and try again ... this time with His help.
My hope is that I can give you a glimpse into my life, and that you will get to know me better through these entries. Thanks to all of you who have been there for and supported me in the past (I know I can be stubborn at times). The Lord has blessed me with friends ~ people who mean more to me than anything! I love you all :)
I will do my best to update this every couple of days, so keep reading!!
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