I've probably read over this verse hundreds of times, but I've never thought of what it meant until we discussed it in youth group on Wednesday night. Have you ever tried to make something happen on your own? For those of you in school/college, maybe it's taking a test or trying to get together with friends. Adults, it could possibly be job or family related. Whatever the situation might be, you know that your plans don't always work out the way you would like them to. Even if things are going exactly the way you want, there's always a strong possibility that someone may come along and ruin your perfect plan.
Now think of when you've done something but have asked the Lord for His strength and guidance first. Many times we ask God for things that aren't right (like wishing for that one person to walk into a tree...). Seriously, a lot of what we take to the Lord are not things of God. Sometimes it may not be clear whether or not it's the right thing to ask for, but most times we know if it's wrong. Just think though. If something is meant to be, if it is God's will, there's absolutely nothing man can do to change it. Nothing! "But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it." The things of man can be altered; the things of God cannot! Once again, what a wonderful truth - to be able to go to our Heavenly Father and know that we can leave all in His hands. To trust that our Savior knows best and wants the best for His children. To be comforted by the fact that He won't "mess up" - that He is perfect and has His own perfect plan.